Introductory Price Table
Silver Package - $799
Great for small busineses- A custom interactive virtual tour experience
- Basic Google My Business (GMB) profile setup
- Simple self-hosted virtual tour (up to 5 scenes)
- Standard navigation and basic hotspots
Gold Package - $899
Great for larger busineses- A custom interactive virtual tour experience
- A comprehensive GMB profile setup with 3 months of updates and SEO
- Self-hosted virtual tour *(up to 10 scenes)
- Animated Interactive hotspots (text, images, and links)
- A custom avatar spokesperson introduction (15-20 seconds)
- Zoom-like call integration feature
Platinum Package - $1,199
Includes our best and exclusive features!- A custom interactive virtual tour experience
- Comprehensive GMB profile setup with 6 months of updates and SEO
- Self-hosted virtual tour (up to 10 scenes)
- Animated Interactive hotspots (text, images, and links) with customized PDF downloads!
- Custom-made avatar with lip-synced message (30 seconds)
- Zoom-like call integration feature
- Customers can purchase orders right from your tour!
- Custom logo colors and branding
- Zoom-like call integration feature!
Basic Package - Special Yearly Plan!
Included Services:
360-Degree Virtual Tour (Up to 3 Rooms): $800 $500
5 High-Quality Interactive Hotspots: $300 $200
Google My Business Profile Setup & Verification: $150 $75
Basic Custom Chatbot Integration: $200 $100
2 Custom GMB Posts: $100 $50
Total Regular Value: $1550
Now Only: $999
Premium Package - Yearly Plan!
Included Services:
360-Degree Virtual Tour (Up to 3 Rooms): $800 $500
5 High-Quality Interactive Hotspots: $300 $200
Custom 30-Second Video Commercial: $500 $300
15 High-Quality Interactive Hotspots: $600 $400
SEO-Optimized Google My Business Profile: $300 $200
Advanced Custom Chatbot (with AI): $500 $300
5 Custom GMB Posts: $150 $100
Total Regular Value: $2850
Now Only: $1200
Basic Package - Monthly Plan!
Special Monthly Price:
Unlock essential tools to boost your online presence! The Basic Package covers everything you need to get started and grow, including a professional virtual tour and essential GMB setup—all at a fraction of the regular cost.
Buy Now - $1200/year!Premium Package - Monthly Plan!
Special Monthly Price:
Get everything you need to dominate your market with our all-inclusive Premium Package! Enjoy top-tier services including a high-quality video commercial, extensive virtual tour, and enhanced GMB optimization, all designed to make your business shine.
Buy Now - $1400/year!